Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct outlines the non-academic rights and responsibilities of students matriculating at any of the Campuses of the University of Pittsburgh. The Code is the product of the combined efforts of the administration, faculty, and students and is approved by the Board of Trustees. The Code defines offenses against students and reflects the University's commitment to equity and procedural fairness. A student or University official may file a complaint violating the Conduct Code at the University Student Judicial System Office. The standard of evidence used in hearings is clear and convincing, but an effort is usually made to resolve grievances through informal settlements when possible.

The Student Code of Conduct may be accessed online at the Student Affairs website.

Office of the University Student Judicial System

The University Student Judicial System ensures students' rights and responsibilities by operating a system of regulations and hearing bodies. The Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures delineates non-academic standards of conduct appropriate to the University in consonance with its educational goals. The Student Code of Conduct applies to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students registered at the University of Pittsburgh. In some cases, off-campus conduct may also be subject to disciplinary action by the University.

There are two hearing bodies in the student judicial system to deal with violations of the Student Code of Conduct: the Campus Judicial Board and the body of administrative hearing officers. On the Pittsburgh Campus, the Campus Judicial Board comprises 35 undergraduate and graduate/professional students. The body of administrative hearing officers is composed of approximately 20 administrative staff and faculty.

The University or regional campus Review Boards are the appellate bodies for the University Student Judicial System.

For additional information, refer to University Policy 02-03-05, University Review Board.

Any University community member on the Pittsburgh Campus who wishes to file or defend a complaint may receive advice and assistance from the Office of the Coordinator of the Student Judicial System, located at 738 William Pitt Union, telephone 412-648-7910.