If you are an experiential learner, want to develop on-your-feet-lawyering skills, and value teamwork and mentorship, competitions could be a great fit for you.
Students who compete in competitions for lawyering skills are eligible to receive academic credit in the form of activity credit. View the Pitt Law graduation requirements and credit hour calculation policy for further details. For more information, contact Professor Paige Forster.
Mock Trial
What is it? Students work in teams to try a case, competing against other law schools. You will learn how to prepare a trial strategy, deliver arguments to a jury, and question witnesses.
Ok, but... what’s it like? The courtroom scenes in Law & Order.
Where do we go? Pitt Law has recently competed in: National Trial Advocacy Competition (Detroit), Case Classic (Cleveland), Texas Young Lawyers Association (Philadelphia), and Gourley Cup (Pittsburgh).
For more information on Mock Trial, contact Professor Carmen Nocera, Mock Trial Coordinator.
Moot Court
What is it? Student teams work to litigate an appeal, competing against other law schools. You will learn how to draft a persuasive appeal brief and argue complex legal issues before a panel of judges.
Ok, but... what’s it like? Any movie scene where a case is argued before the Supreme Court. But picture three judges instead of nine.
Where do we go? Pitt Law has recently competed in: National Moot Court (Baltimore and NYC), Cardozo-FAME Center Intellectual Property Moot Court (NYC), Giles Sutherland Rich Patent Law Moot Court (Boston and DC), and National Tax Moot Court (St. Petersburg, FL).
For more information on Moot Court, contact Professor Paige Forster, Director of Litigation Skills Program.
Transactional and International Competitions
What is it? Students work in teams to advise a client or arbitrate a dispute.
Ok, but... what’s it like? Depends on the competition! It could look like any setting where a lawyer is helping a client outside of a courtroom.
Where do we go? Pitt Law has recently competed in: National Health Law Transactional Competition (Chicago), Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vienna, Austria), and LLM International Arbitration Moot (DC).
For more information on transactional competitions, contact Professor Paige Forster, Director of Litigation Skills Programs. For more information on international competitions, contact Professor Charles Kotuby, Executive Director of the Center for International Legal Education.