Juris Doctor Specializations

One way to prepare for law practice in a society facing information overload and increasingly complex legal issues is to concentrate your academic study in a particular field of law. Pitt Law students who choose this route have the advantage of pursuing any of seven specialized areas of study, each offering students the opportunity to take sharply focused courses leading to a designation on the transcript verifying completion of a concentrated course of study.

Please review the information and requirements carefully before enrolling in a certificate program or area of concentration. 

The completion of the certificate/area of concentration is noted on your university transcript.  You may find details on the various programs and their requirements below. Review them carefully before enrolling in a certificate program or area of concentration, as several of the programs require you to enroll in certain courses in a specific semester of a specific year or have other requirements that may constrain your course selection.  (Students may not begin a certificate program/area of concentration in their third year).

Student in Courtroom
John P. Gismondi Civil Litigation Concentration

Students develop vital trial skills and gain confidence through specialized courses taught by practicing attorneys, who provide insights into the nuances of litigation.

A gavel rests on top of a medical chart and stethoscope.
Health Law

This certificate provides students with a basic grounding in health law, complemented by clinical experience and in-depth study of closely related areas of law.

The Cathedral of Learning with laser lights in the foreground.
Intellectual Property, Tech & Innovation Law

Gain a comprehensive understanding of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and related legal areas to prepare for diverse careers in modern law practice.

Student Smiling
International & Comparative Law

Gain a foundation for careers and further study in applying legal regimes to transnational and international relationships.

A person hands are seen holding a leaf.
Environmental & Energy Law

A flexible curriculum delves into critical laws and regulations, exploring topics like pollution control, energy, land use, renewable energy, and climate change.

Student looking at Cathedral
Public Policy

Acquire skills relevant to policy work and learn how to apply legal advocacy, research, and writing skills in the policy context. 

W9 forms
Tax Law

Gain a solid foundation in tax law that can be used either to enter a career in tax law, as a basis for pursuing further study in tax law, or as an adjunct to a career in another area of law.