Discrimination and Harassment

Nondiscrimination Policy 

The Law School adheres to the University’s Nondiscrimination Policy Statement. For the version as it appears on the University’s website, which is authoritative, please see the following link.

For complete details on the University’s Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action Policy (07-01-03) and Sexual Misconduct Policy (06-05-01), visit Pitt's Policies, Procedures, and Practices page.

Anti-Harassment Policy Statement

Consistent with the University's core values and the goals of its Strategic Plan, the University has developed the following Policies, Procedures, and Practices, which directly help to foster a climate of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Under these Community Standards are both the University’s Notice of Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy Statement. Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure (CS 20; formerly 06-05-01). 

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX.

Sexual Harassment Policy 

The University of Pittsburgh is committed to the maintenance of a community free from all forms of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment violates University policy as well as federal, state, and local laws. It is neither permitted nor condoned. The coverage of this policy extends to all faculty, researchers, staff, students, vendors, contractors, and visitors to the University.

The University's educational mission is promoted by professional relationships between faculty members and students. Relationships of an intimate nature compromise the integrity of a faculty-student relationship whenever the faculty member has a professional responsibility for the student.

The University prohibits intimate relationships between a faculty member and a student whose academic work, teaching, or research is being supervised or evaluated by the faculty member. If an intimate relationship should exist or develop between a faculty member and a student, the University requires the faculty member to remove himself/herself from all supervisory, evaluative, and/or formal advisory roles with respect to the student. Failure to do so may subject the faculty member to disciplinary action.

Complaint Procedure

Any student who believes he or she has been sexually harassed should contact the Vice Dean and/or the Assistant Dean of Students, the Office of Affirmative Action, the Office of the Provost, the Coordinator of the University Student Judicial System, or the person(s) listed below. The complaint will either be handled by the person/office receiving the complaint or referred to the Office of Affirmative Action.

Any individual who after a thorough investigation is found to have violated the University's policy against sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, reprimand, suspension, termination or expulsion. The disciplinary action taken will depend upon the severity of the offense.

It is also a violation of the University of Pittsburgh's policy against sexual harassment for any employee or student at the University of Pittsburgh to attempt in any way to retaliate against a person who makes a claim of sexual harassment.

A complete copy of these procedures and guidelines is available in the Assistant Dean of Students, the Office of Affirmative Action, and law.pitt.edu.