Federal Direct Unsubsized Loans

  • Unsubsidized Stafford Loans are loans for which the interest subsidy is not available and the student is responsible for the interest on the loan from the time the loan is disbursed until it is completely repaid. Students have the option to either pay the interest on a monthly/quarterly basis or to capitalize the interest. 
  • Interest rates are fixed for the life of the loan.  The fixed interest rate is determined each year by July 1. 
  • Origination Fee is the fee that is deducted from the loan proceeds before the loan disbursement. 
  • Loan Limits for graduate students are $20,500 annually.  The maximum aggregate loan limit is $65,500 subsidized and $138,500 total subsidized and unsubsidized combined for graduate students.
  • Repayment of the Federal Unsubsidized Loan begins 6 months after students cease to enroll at least half-time or graduation. Students can take up to 10 years to repay the loan and alternate repayment options are available that may extend your repayment term. Deferment and forbearance options are available for special circumstances.