Limitation on Pass/Fail Courses

Converting a Letter Grade to an S (Satisfactory)

Subject to the limitations set forth below, a student may elect to convert a letter grade of C or higher in any upper-level course to a Satisfactory, represented by an “S.” A student may not elect to convert a grade of C-, D, or F. Once an election to convert a letter grade to an S is communicated to the Registrar, that election may not be reversed, revoked, or changed.

The following limitations apply to a student’s election to convert a letter grade to an S:

  • A student may not convert a letter grade in any required first-year course.
  • A student may not convert a letter grade in any clinic course.
  • A student may not convert a letter grade in any course that is to be used to satisfy the legal profession (ethics) graduation requirement.
  • A student may convert a letter grade to an S in no more than two courses during the student’s entire law school career.

The deadlines and procedures for electing to convert a letter grade shall be determined by the Law School Registrar in consultation with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Once all grades are posted for the semester, the Registrar shall provide clear notice to students of the deadline and procedure for electing to convert a letter grade.