Using Pitt's Zoom

Using Pitt's Zoom will allow you to have a licensed version of Zoom.

If you have used Zoom previously, please complete the follow the steps below:

  1. Log off all instances of Zoom.
  2. Follow instructions on Clear My Cache to clean the browser of your previous Zoom interactions. (Note that Chrome or Firefox work best with Canvas-Zoom integration.)
  3. Log on to
  4. This first login to Zoom will activate your licensed copy of Zoom.
  5. Now log on to
  6. Click on one of your courses that is using Zoom.
  7. Click on Zoom in the left panel.
  8. Authorize Zoom if you need to.

To connect your Pitt account to your Zoom App, complete the following:

  1. Launch the Zoom app.
  2. Click on Sign In with SSO.  (You must always choose this option.)
  3. Your company domain is “pitt” without quotes.  Click on Continue.
  4. You should be redirected to Pitt Passport to log on.