Christian Powell Sundquist is a Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Law. He formerly served as the Associate Dean of Faculty Research and Scholarship and a Professor of Law at Albany Law School, where he co-founded The Institute for Racial Justice Research and Advocacy. Professor Sundquist teaches Evidence, Criminal Law and Racial Justice courses and serves as an inaugural Faculty Affiliate with the University of Pittsburgh’s Social and Racial Determinants of Equity and Well-Being Cluster. He was named one of the leading scholars on issues of technology, race, and innovation by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and has published and presented widely on a variety of issues in the fields of critical race theory, bioethics, privacy, evidence law, and criminal justice. His publications appear in numerous academic journals, including the Annals of Health Law, the Seton Hall Law Review, the Georgia State University Law Review, the Connecticut Law Review, the Harvard Blackletter Law Journal, the N.Y.U. Annual Survey of American Law, the Denver Law Review, the Seton Hall Law Review, the Columbia Journal on Race and Law, and the Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights. He was a Visiting Scholar with the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he conducted interdisciplinary research with scholars in the Law and Medical History and Bioethics departments. He served as Chair for both the American Association of Law Schools’ Minority Groups and Evidence sections this year.
- JD, Georgetown University Law Center
- BA, Carleton College
Education & Training
- Christian Sundquist, Pandemic Policing, 37 GA. ST. U. L. REV. 1339 (2021).
- Sundquist, Christian (2021) "Pandemic Surveillance Discrimination," Seton Hall Law Review: Vol. 51 : Iss. 5 , Article 4
- Christian Sundquist, Technology and the (Re)Construction of Law, 70 Journal of Legal Education 402 (2021).
- The Future of Law Schools: COVID-19, Technology and Social Justice, 53 Connecticut Law Review (Online) 1 (2020).
- The Technologies of Race: Big Data Privacy and the New Racial Bioethics, 27 Annals Health L. (2018).
- Uncovering Juror Racial Bias 96 Denver Law Review 309 (2019) (selected by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) as a "must read" and to be highlighted in The Champion magazine
- The Technologies of Race: Big Data, Privacy and the New Racial Bioethics 27 Annals of Health Law 205 (2018)
Critical Race Theory
Technology and Inequality
Evidence Law and Policy
Criminal Justice
Asylum Law and Policy