Bioethics and Law

Course Catalog Number:
Course Credits:
Course Type:
Course Priority:
General Enrollment Course
Graduation Requirements:
"W" Writing
Full Year Course:

Course Description

This course introduces a variety of dilemmas in biomedical ethics brought about primarily by innovative techniques and technologies that the biomedical sciences have developed such as artificial reproductive technologies, genetic screening and engineering, and life support systems. Many of thesee dilemmas are not currently or clearly regulated by law. This course will consider the role of law and legal institutions in creating a framework to address the legal, ethical and social issues that arise as a result of these medical and technological advances. Topics covered include informed consent, the right to refuse medical treatment (including life-sustaining treatment), physician assisted suicide, advance directives, brain death, organ transplantation, sterilization, abortion, assisted reproduction, stem cell research, cloning, genetics, and regulation of research.